Saturday, July 26, 2008

Marketing Your Legacy

This isn't such a horribly bad idea or anything, but in the frenzy to squeeze every last dollar out of us it's a little over-the-top. is offering a service that (for a fee of course) will compile your memories, values, sentiments, letters and photos and archive them online for you. Also, and I found this a little creepy, you can designate a time "in the future," up to 25 years when you want the archive delivered and to whom. Yikes! Seems just a tad weird - somehow it makes me picture my boys opening their e-mail one morning, years from now, and going "hunh? what's this?" It seems a little bizarre to blind-sight somebody like that. Not to trivialize personal histories one bit - they're fascinating and valuable - but there are so many cool tools available for storing information online that are more creative (and free!) 

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