Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Ultimate Pretender

Chrissy's back and she's on fire. I've missed her so much! I got to see her show in Portland a few years back and she was every bit as extraordinary then as she was was I first saw her 26 years ago! (I know exactly when I first saw The Pretenders because my younger boy had just been born).
This time, she's put together a collection of songs (recorded in 10 days!) consisting of what her site says is a "stripped down roots album, pure and raw, which highlights Hynde's timeless vocal sound." There's a new and free download weekly, go get yours! I got a copy of "Boots of Chinese Plastic" after hearing an achingly familiar voice on Nic Harcourt's show at KCRW this morning; by the time I got to my volume control, it was over but Mr. Harcourt verified what I'd hoped was a new single from The Pretenders. Things are definitely looking up.

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