Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Atta Girl Hillary

I have to introduce my new blog with today's impending news, the speculation that Ms. Clinton will concede tonight, June 3, 2008. I'll be at my studio teaching but will stream her press conference when I return. Not one to cry easily, I will, probably, shed a few this evening. As much as I dig Obama and totally and entirely believe he's the best candidate, I really, really, really wanted Hillary to have done better with her campaign. I like Hillary Clinton. I like her savvy, her smarts and her courage. And I liked the idea of a woman leading the free world. 
There are, though, lots of things I won't miss about Hillary's run for office, specifically the awful misogyny that reared its ugly head. A few weeks ago I read an op-ed by Marie Cocco at the Washington Post which summed it all up for me. I'm not going to set up a hierarchy of bad to even-worse examples but I will say that it'll be a relief to not have to see "Bros not Hos" t-shirts anymore. (It always struck me as interesting that the times I saw those shirts being worn it was by men who don't appear to be the types to consider Obama a "bro.")
It is, though, exciting to consider what lies ahead in Obama's campaign. As a resident of the city in which 75,000 of us gathered to welcome him, undoubtedly the fervor has only begun.

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